Organizing Committee
Spanish Federation of Olympic Wrestling and DA
C / Amos de Escalante, 12, Bajo, 28017 Madrid (Spain)
Tel. (34) 91 4061666 http://www.felucha.com e-mail: fel@felucha.com
Details of the competition hall Pabellón de los Deportes Santa Isabel, Rúa de Tras Santa Isabel, s / n, 15705 Santiago de Compostela, A
Will be broadcast integrally by the cameras of scorizer and you can follow the day with the results and statistics in the scorizer app parto android and IOS download it for free for your mobile you can also access the free streaming on the Feloda channel broadcast by scorizer.
Weighing and documentation (for weighing and medical)
Weighing will be carried out on 6 to 10 electronic scales. The DNI or NIE, license, and the
National card (minimum level II with stamp 2021.
Resident athletes must present an official accrediting document with a photograph where they
certify your age and resident status.
Competition Rules The current FELOyDA Regulation will be applied
Athletes with legal residence in Spain, with a NIE issued (not pending), may participate.
Age group
Under 23 (Born from 2003 to 1998)
Those born in 2003 who are not 18 years old on the day of the competition, must present a certificate
Weight categories SUB 23
Greco-Roman: 55kg-60kg-63kg-67kg-72kg-77kg-82kg-87kg-97kg-130kg | |||
Olympic Free: 57kg-61kg-65kg-70kg-74kg-79kg-86kg-92kg-97kg-125kg | |||
Female Free: 50kg-53kg-55kg-57kg-59kg-62kg-65kg-68kg-72kg-76kg. |
NATIONAL TEAMS: Only athletes with Spanish nationality may be selected for national teams.
These Spanish championships will be the base test for the selection for the European Under 23 Championships.
Participation fee There is no limit on registration. Each Federation may register the athletes it deems by weight category.
Federative license All wrestlers, coaches, delegates and judge-referees must be in possession of the license
Federative of the current year 2021
Trainers Only those registered in SCORIZER by their federation may exercise as coaches in this championship (it is mandatory for coaches to wear their federation's tracksuit or sportswear at all times when they are exercising as such).
Nnumber of tapestries 4 (FOUR)
Nominative Registration Deadline March 12, 2021, SCORIZER
Final Enrollment Deadline March 27, 2021 at 3:00 p.m. SCORIZER.
Category of arbitrators National Category, and Novel. This Championship will be promoted (according to the national regulation of Referee Judges) for the referees who request it through their federation.
The Spanish Federation will summon the necessary referees to carry out the championship, FELODA covering their accommodation and established financial aid.
The Autonomous Federations may present other arbitrators in addition to the summoned ones, but all accommodation and aid expenses will be paid by the Autonomous F.A. that summons them.
COVID 19 protocol
All participants must present signed acceptance of the protocol and the Responsible Declaration, they will be obliged to comply with the FELODA COVID Competition Protocol, they must
perform an antigen test on arrival on Friday from 12:00 to 18:00 or on Saturday.