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2nd Andalusian League Day "For Diversity and Social Integration"

SCORizer  was on Saturday January 26, 2019 in Maracena (Granada) where the 2nd Day of the Andalusian League of Clubs was held with the motto: "For Diversity and Social Integration"

In all its categories: from Promotion 1, Promotion 2, Pre-Benjamin, Benjamin, Alevín, School, Cadet, Junior to Seniors of Olympic Wrestling (Male and Female).

The public that packed the venue really enjoyed the tournament that took place throughout the day with girls and boys of all ages, making the event a special occasion for all families and participants.

SCORizer he was in the front line during the competition. We are very happy with the updates and improvements implemented in our support as they contributed to a significant improvement in the entire competition.

From the team of SCORizer we are deeply happy for the great day that was lived on Saturday full of emotions and great fights.

2º Jornada Liga Andaluza “Por la Diversidad e Integración Social”


2º Jornada Liga Andaluza “Por la Diversidad e Integración Social”

2º Jornada Liga Andaluza “Por la Diversidad e Integración Social”2º Jornada Liga Andaluza “Por la Diversidad e Integración Social”